Senior Health Blog.
Make the most of your golden years.
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Choose American Quality. Supplements you can trust.
Muscadinex products are made up to a standard, not down to a price. Read our blog post about Why To Choose Supplements From FDA Inspected and GMP Certified Facilties.
Positive Aging. The best has to come and won't it be fine.
Positive Aging helps you embrace the best aspects of getting older ... and combat the worst parts with proper planning. Read our blost post about Positive Aging Tips.
Muscadines are America's home grown superfruit.
You'll be surprised when you see the antioxidant power of muscadines compared to other 'superfruits'. Read our post about Ten Muscadine Grape Health Benefits.
Brain Health. Staying sharp as you get older.
Almost 7 million American's have dementia. But there are strategies that can help you protect your brain as you age. Read our blog post Tips For Seniors To Protect Their Brain.
Sleep & Mood. The key to being happy and healthy.
Good sleep doesn't just improve your mood. It can help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia as you get older. Read our blog post Tips For Seniors To Sleep Better.
Joints. Be supple ... so you can stay fitter and stronger.
The more supple your joints are, the more you'll feel like exercising. Even walking can help prevent many diseases of aging. Read our post Tips For Seniors To Improve Their Joints.
Cardio health and muscadine grapes.
Researchers reckon that the antioxidants and polyphenols in muscadines could help protect your heart. Read 'Cardiovascular health and muscadine grapes.'
Adult diabetes and muscadine grapes.
Over 30 million Americans have Type 2 diabetes. Get insights into the problem and steps to take with our article 'Diabetes and muscadine resveratrol.'
Eye protection and muscadine grapes.
As we get older, we face potential problems like poorer vision, cataracts and macular degeneration. Antioxidants and polyphenols could help. Read about 'Eye protection for seniors'.